Wednesday 12 September 2007

The Hamptons - the continuing saga

For Worcester Park residents this weekend saw a document drop onto the doormat with information about the proposed expansion of The Hamptons. I've found some information on the council website here although there should be a lot more to be found and links would be appreciated. For those too lazy to want to click on the link the short version is:

"Phase 4b & 5c to provide 184 new dwellings ... together with garages, surface and basement car parking, cycle and refuse facilities and erection of eight 14 metre high wind turbines." (A2007/58387/FUL and A2007/58388/FUL)

Eight 14 metre high wind turbines!?!? Ermmm........ The issue of traffic from 184 new dwellings is a big one but why is Worcester Park the best location for a wind farm!?!?

You can already tell which side of the fence I'm leaning towards (the wind farm will be aligned with Brinkley Road) but I'm sure all manner of arguments and counter-arguments will appear over the coming weeks. The Conservatives have already leafleted the area stating their opposition and quoting a traffic survey highlighting inadequate traffic provision in the local area and (somewhat inevitably) blaming the incumbent Lib-Dems for the issue (as is the trend in modern politics).

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